Breast cancer l Protective effect of feeding time

Breast cancer: the protective effect of the breastfeeding

Breast cancer is a very widespread disease among women 1, but which has a high survival percentage, especially if diagnosed earlyly (the healing rate grows as diagnosed is early) 1) . It is estimated that in Italy every year 50.000 women develop a breast neoplasm.

There are some factors that have been recognized as possible facilities of the mammary neoplasms: not having had children, incorrect nutrition (many fats and a few fibers), be regularly exposed to ovarian estrogen, the genetic predisposition. It is estimated that about 5-7% of breast cancer cases depend on hereditary causes. The connections between the development of this tumor and the alterations to two genes in particular are known, BRCA1 and BRCA2. The risk of getting mammary neoplasm is 65% higher in women who have the BRCA1 gene changed, and 40% in women who have mutations in the BRCA2 gene 2 .

Breastfeeding has a protective effect Against the onset of a breast cancer, especially if breastfeeding is protracted over time. It is estimated that the chances of getting sick are reduced by 4% for each year to breastfeed a child 1 . In all likelihood this can be due to the healthiest and most controlled lifestyle leading women in this period. In addition to this, in the period in which the woman breastfeeding, menstruation are irregular, ovarian hormones are produced in less quantities, and there are less hormonal changes. In addition, breast cells are less “ free ” to assume anomalous behaviors since they are involved in milky production 1.3 .

The researchers studied how breast breastfeeding has positive effects in women with the brca1 gene altered 4 . It has been estimated that the risk of developing breast cancer In these women it is less than 45%, and 59% in those with familiarity for illness 3 . No correlations have been detected between breastfeeding of one year and the development of a breast neoplasm in women who have the BRCA2 altered gene 4 .

To know your genetic condition, and discover any alterations to the BRCA genes, it is possible to perform various genetic tests, such as the BRCA source test. It is a latest generation screening exam, which provides for a simple blood sampling to identify the presence of mutations to the BRCA genes. Ѐ An examination recommended in particular to women who are familiar with breast neoplasms, but is also suitable for all those who want to know their genetic predisposition to the possible development of these tumor forms.