Tisa benefits and ways d use

Herbal teas: benefits and ways of use

Drinking a herbal tea is a pampering that can be granted at any time of the day but it is also a valid way to purify the body and to enjoy the beneficial properties of plants and herbs contained inside. One of the most immediate benefits of drinking a herbal tea is the ientrance: drinking a herbal tea is more immediate and easy to remember than drinking simple water.

Also, drinking a herbal tea or an infusion before bedtime is definitely a clothes that reconciles sleep and rests better.

THE benefits of herbal teas depend on which you choose:

  • the green tea It certainly helps to drain liquids and it is recommended to drink it during menopause or to combat cellular oxidation. However, it is better not to drink tea before bedtime because you can have difficulty falling asleep given its exciting and energizing properties. Better to opt for green tea for breakfast or snack;
  • there Rosemary herbal tea It may have as benefit to solve the problem of constipation or in any case help to regularize the intestine;
  • the Fennel or mint herbal teas, they have a digestive and deflating action. So, after a nice binge, there is nothing better than drinking a cup of these herbal teas to feel better immediately;
  • the Herbs such as thyme and rosemary herbal teas they help to combat physical and mental fatigue and have more energy. Energy drops can be felt especially during seasonal changes and it is precisely in this period that it is appropriate to drink them;

against seasonal ailments, better to opt for Echinacea -based herbal teas which help to counteract cold and influence but also respiratory infections. In the respiratory tract, the Eucalyptus -based herbal teas which have balsamic and fluidifying action. Still, against cold, influence, fever, bronchitis and sore throat, the ginger herbal tea.