Vitamin C the best sources in nature

Vitamin C, the best sources in nature

There C vitamin He is a powerful antioxidant and prevents aging and action of free radicals. Shelters the fabrics and stimulates the healing of wounds and, especially in winter, is used to strengthen the immune system against seasonal ailments.

The dose of vitamin C

The daily dose of vitamin C for women is 75 mg (for pregnant women the quantity increases) while for men it is 90 mg.

It is not self -produced by the organism and therefore it is important to take different foods daily. Vitamin C is present above all in fruit and vegetables and must be taken by everyone, especially by those who feel they are lacking.

To notice this, there are several alarm bells: getting sick frequently, bleeding of the gums, muscle pain, fragility of the capillaries, subcutaneous bleeding and so on. Thus, as those who smoke or those who find themselves in a situation of strong stress must take on large quantities.

In the same way, It is not advisable to abuse vitamin C, As, taking too many foods full of this (or supplements), kidney problems can be manifested (kidney stones, for example) or other symptoms such as headache, stomach burning, vomiting, diarrhea, gastritis and abdominal cramps but also weakness , dizziness and sudden hot flashes.

The best sources in nature of Vitamin C I am:

  • oranges and lemons (50 mg)
  • Strawberries (54 mg)
  • grapes (340 mg)
  • kiwi (85 mg)
  • black currant (200 mg)
  • spinach (54 mg)
  • Peperoni (151 mg)
  • Brussels cabbage (81 mg)
  • Rapa tops (110 mg)
  • Rocket (110 mg)
  • cauliflower (59 mg)

Vitamin C has several “enemies” such as light, water and smoking and therefore it is advisable to empty and keep the foods in the dark before consuming them and, only after, to centrifugate or blend them. The vegetables, on the other hand, must be kept to a maximum of 4 days and consumed raw or not very cooked.